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Are Bigger Families better than Smaller Families?

What is better having a bigger family are a small family? In most arguments people would agree which it's true that small families are better in the article that I read it said “the more siblings, the lower a person’s educational outcomes.” which means the more children you have the more of your children having a lower knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that college students will need to be successful in work, family, and community. Another reason why having more a bigger family could affect the family in a bad way is if you have too many children you many not have enough money for each of them for future time and they will be so busy focusing on the baby or on work to fund their children's education. It maybe harder for the families to have a decent relationship the children will have harder time bonding because of the age gap. But there are some perks with being in a huge family not every family struggles with these problems and some are really good and are very successful and have excellent jobs and are better at being social and learn to study and succeed thanks to the help from her/his brother/sister. But in the article its support the fact that it's bad this quote states that its not good “One dominant explanation of this finding is the “resource dilution” model, which posits that more children means each child receives a smaller share of parents’ limited amount of time, energy, and money”.

“Are Smaller Families Better For Kids? It Depends | Family Studies.” Family Studies Are Smaller Families Better for Kids It Depends Comments. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. <>

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