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If someone found the formula to grant immortality it would be good because we could use this potion for the smartest people so they invent things that they want and all the time they need to make great technology that could improve us even more. Having immortality would benefit us we could survive without oxygen and would never have sickness. We could explore other planets and now be able to travel to other galaxies without ageing. We could make things faster because we will always be healthy. overpopulation would be a problem though Blessing if there are others like you unless they're trying to chop your head off with an ancient sword because you'll have all the time in the universe to experience life...also, imagine the compound interest on you bank account after 10000 years.At first, it would be a blessing. Doing whatever you wanted without the fear of dying, eating or drinking anything you could think of, and going on a crazy, unthinkable adventure. If You live forever you will get certain happiness , but more grief. Like when someone in your family dies you have to know it happened because you have to live forever. making your own family would be even worst because you have to see you wife die and you children and their children and the cycle will continue.

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